Rosca C, Junginger A, Kübler S, Babechuk MG, Olaka LA, Schoenberg R (2024) Isotopic and trace element record of changing metal source contributions to tropical freshwater Lake Naivasha (Kenya). Science of the Total Environment: Article #175082.
Gini C, Jamieson JW, Reeves EP, Gartman A, Barreyre T, Babechuk MG, Jørgensen SL, Robert K (2024) Iron oxyhydroxide-rich hydrothermal deposits at the high-temperature Fåvne Vent Field, Mohns Ridge. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 25: e2024GC011481. [open access]
Shawwa NA*, McLoughlin-Coleman T, Babechuk MG, Far MS, Mungall JE, Rainbird RH (2024) Earth's oldest terrestrial red beds as direct evidence for the Great Oxidation Event ca. 2.3 Ga. Precambrian Research, 409: Article #107423. [open access]
Babechuk MG, Fedo CM (2023) Analysis of chemical weathering trends across three compositional dimensions: applications to modern and ancient mafic-rock weathering profiles. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 60: 839-864. [open access]
Fedo CM, Babechuk MG (2023) Petrogenesis of siliciclastic sediments and sedimentary rocks explored in three-dimensional Al2O3–CaO*+Na2O–K2O–FeO+MgO (A–CN–K–FM) compositional space. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 60: 818-838. [open access]
Sindol GP*, Babechuk MG, Conliffe J, Slack JF, Rosca C, Schoenberg R (2022) Shallow-ocean and atmospheric redox signatures preserved in the ca. 1.88 Ga Sokoman iron formation, Labrador Trough, Canada. Precambrian Research, 379: Article #106750.
O'Sullivan EM, Nägler TF, Turner EC, Kamber BS, Babechuk MG, O'Hare SP (2022) Mo isotope composition of the 0.85 Ga ocean from coupled carbonate and shale archives: Some implications for pre-Cryogenian oxygenation. Precambrian Research, 378: Article #106760.
Wang W, Ma L, Evans RD, Babechuk MG, Dang DH (2022) Quantification of Re and four other trace elements (Ag, Cd, Pd, Zn) in certified reference materials and natural waters. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 37: 1471-1483.
Hao W, Chen N, Sun W, Mänd K, Kirsimäe K, Teitler Y, Somelar P, Robbins LJ, Babechuk MG, Planavsky NJ, Alessi DS, Konhauser KO (2022) Binding and transport of Cr(III) by clay minerals during the Great Oxidation Event. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 584: Article #117503.
Wagner LJ, Kleinhanns IC, Weber N, Babechuk MG, Hofmann A, Schoenberg R (2021) Coupled stable chromium and iron isotopic fractionation tracing mineral crystallization in Archean komatiite-tholeiite suites. Chemical Geology, 576: Article #120121.
O'Sullivan EM, Nägler TF, Babechuk MG (2021) Unusually heavy stable Mo isotope signatures of the Ottawa River: causes and implications for global riverine Mo fluxes. Chemical Geology, 568: Article #120039.
Babechuk MG, O'Sullivan EM, McKenna CA, Rosca C, Nägler TF, Schoenberg R, Kamber BS (2020) Ultra-trace element characterization of the central Ottawa River Basin using a rapid, flexible, and low-volume ICP-MS method. Aquatic Geochemistry, 26: 327-374.
Sindol GP*, Babechuk MG, Petrus JA, Kamber BS (2020) New insights into Paleoproterzoic surficial conditions revealed by by 1.85 Ga corestone-rich saprolith. Chemical Geology, 545: Article #119621.
Babechuk MG, Weimar N*, Kleinhanns IC, Eroglu S, Swanner E, Kenny G, Kamber BS, Schoenberg R (2019) Pervasively anoxic surface conditions at the onset of the Great Oxidation Event: new multi-proxy constraints from the Cooper Lake paleosol. Precambrian Research, 323: 126-163.
Abramov S, He J, Wimmer D, Lemloh M-L, Muehe E, Gann B, Roehm E, Kirchhof R, Babechuk MG, Schoenberg R, Thorwarth H, Helle H, Kappler A (2018) Heavy metal mobility and valuable contents of processed municipal solid waste incineration residues from Southwestern Germany. Waste Management, 79: 735-743.
Rosca C, Tomlinson EL, Geibert W, McKenna CA, Babechuk MG, Kamber BS (2018) Trace element and Pb isotope fingerprinting of atmospheric pollution sources: A case study from the east coast of Ireland. Applied Geochemistry, 96: 302-326.
Albut G, Babechuk MG, Kleinhanns IC, Benger M, Beukes NJ, Steinhilber B, Smith AJB, Kruger SJ, Schoenberg R (2018) Modern rather than Mesoarchean oxidative weathering responsible for the heavy stable Cr isotopic signatures of the 2.95 Ga old Ijzermijn iron formation (South Africa). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 228: 157-189.
Henrichs IA, O'Sullivan G, Chew DM, Mark C, Babechuk MG, McKenna C, Emo R (2018) The trace element and U-Pb systematics of metamorphic apatite. Chemical Geology, 483: 218-238.
Ryan S, Snoeck C, Crowley QC, Babechuk MG (2018) 87-Sr/86-Sr and trace element mapping of geosphere-hydrosphere-biosphere interactions: A case study in Ireland. Applied Geochemistry, 92: 209-224.
Yierpan A, Koenig S, Labidi J, Kurzawa T, Babechuk MG, Schoenberg R (2018). Chemical sample processing for combined selenium isotope and selenium-tellurium elemental investigation of the Earth's igneous reservoirs. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19.
Gill LW, Babechuk MG, Kamber BS, McCormack T, Murphy C (2018) Use of trace and rare earth elements to quantify autogenic and allogenic inputs within a lowland karst network. Applied Geochemistry, 90: 101-114.
Babechuk MG, Kleinhanns, IC, Reitter E, Schoenberg R (2018) Kinetic stable Cr isotopic fractionation between aqueous Cr(III)-Cl-H2O complexes at 25oC: implications for Cr(III) mobility and isotopic variations in modern and ancient natural systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 222: 383-405.
Wille M, Babechuk MG, Kleinhanns IC, Stegmaier J, Suhr N, Widdowson M, Kamber BS, Schoenberg R (2018) Silicon and chromium stable isotopic systematics during basalt weathering and lateritisation: A comparison of variably weathered basalt profiles in the Deccan Traps, India. Geoderma, 314: 190-204.
Stead CV, Tomlinson EL, Kamber BS, Babechuk MG, McKenna CA (2017) Rare earth element determination in olivine by Laser Ablation Quadrupole-ICP-MS: An analytical strategy and application. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 41: 197-212.
Babechuk MG, Kleinhanns IC, Schoenberg R (2017) Chromium geochemistry of the ca. 1.85 Ga Flin Flon paleosol. Geobiology, 15: 30-50.
Chew DM, Babechuk MG, Cogné N, Mark C, O'Sullivan GJ, Henrichs IA, Doepke D, McKenna CA (2016) (LA,Q)-ICPMS trace-element analyses of Durango and McClure Mountain apatite and implications for making LA-ICPMS mineral standards. Chemical Geology, 435: 35-48.
D'Arcy J, Babechuk MG, Døssing LN, Gaucher C, Frei R (2016) Processes controlling the chromium isotopic composition of river water: Constraints from basaltic river catchments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 186: 296-315.
Hahn KE, Turner EC, Babechuk MG, Kamber BS (2015) Deep-water seep-related carbonate mounds in a Mesoproterozoic alkaline lake, Borden Basin (Nunavut, Canada). Precambrian Research, 271: 173-197.
Babechuk MG, Widdowson M, Murphy M, Kamber BS (2015) A combined Y/Ho, high field strength element (HFSE) and Nd isotope perspective on basalt weathering, Deccan Traps, India. Chemical Geology, 396: 25-41.
Babechuk MG, Widdowson M, Kamber BS (2014) Quantifying chemical weathering intensity and trace element release from two contrasting basalt profiles, Deccan Traps, India. Chemical Geology, 363: 56-75.
Babechuk MG, Kamber BS (2013) The Flin Flon paleosol revisited. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 50: 1223-1243.
Babechuk MG, Kamber BS (2011) An estimate of 1.9 Ga mantle depletion using the high-field-strength elements and Nd-Pb isotopes of ocean floor basalts, Flin Flon Belt, Canada. Precambrian Research, 189: 114-139.
Babechuk MG, Kamber BS, Greig A, Canil D, Kodolányi J (2010) The behaviour of tungsten during mantle melting revisited with implications for planetary differentiation time scales. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74: 1448-1470.
Babechuk MG, Weisener CG, Fryer BJ, Paktunc D, Maunders C (2009) Microbial reduction of ferrous arsenate: Biogeochemical implications for arsenic mobilization. Applied Geochemistry, 24: 2332-2341.
Mueller C*, Piercey SJ, Babechuk MG, Copeland D (2021) Stratigraphy and lithogeochemistry of rocks from the Nugget Pond deposit area, Baie Verte Peninsula, Newfoundland; in Targeted Geoscience Initiative 5: grant program final reports (2018-2020). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8755.
Mueller C*, Piercey SJ, Babechuk MG, Copeland D (2021) Stratigraphy and lithogeochemistry of the Goldenville Horizon and associated rocks, Baie Verte Peninsula, Newfoundland; in Targeted Geoscience Initiative 5: grant program final reports (2018-2020). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8755.
Babechuk MG, Kamber BS (2010) Detailed (1:10 scale) mapping of regolith structure in dolerite below the Missi unconformity, Flin Flon area, Saskatchewan (part of NTS 63K12). Report of Activities 2010, Manitoba Innovation, Energy and Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey: p. 94-104.